Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Day 43...

I've been out of the good 'ol USA for 43 days now and that is really hard to believe. Like seriously, I AM IN LITHUANIA! Where is that and why am I here? Who woulda thunk I'd live in an Eastern European country for 4 months of my life? Well, I am adjusting to life here and settling in to a bit of a "routine" but trying to stay away from that typical "American routine" type lifestyle. Life here is slower. I go to the grocery, IKI, about every day maybe twice some days (today, danishes in the morning, eggs for dinner at night). I walk 25 minutes to school. I have an hour and a half lunch and I just sit around and talk or eat or whatever. I am in THREE Bible studies, now that might be where I have overcommitted myself but I think they could all offer something pretty cool. I am getting to know my roommates (Cathal "WAFF" from Ireland, Geidruis "Dru" from Lithuania, and the guy I barely know who sleeps on top of me named Laisvynus from Lithuania) and that has been fun. My eyes are being opened to people that live a completely different life but are really cool and I enjoy being around them very much so. I hope that I am already less judgmental to people that have different backgrounds and values than I do. I am reading books other than school books and loving the time to do that. I actually rented 2 books from the LIBRARY to read "FOR FUN". Crazy thought huh? So, while I miss home like crazy, I am NOT homesick....yet, I am seeing God do a lot in me. And now, I think I'm seeing Him use me in tangible ways. I will look forward to seeing you all in December but I REFUSE to wish away this great opportunity that I have been given to live in Lithuania. Have a great day and make the most of it. Life is short. God is good. Booyah! Peace!

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